Mother’s Day

Secure Your Buns Today for Delivery on the 29th or Pick Up at Your Convenience.


Shipping days

IMPORTANT; Please choose your delivery day at the checkout . However, please note that the dates picked are estimated delivery dates I do try my best to deliver on time but sometimes the delivery might be a day later then the day that was picked.
Thank you !


The smell of freshly baked cinnamon buns in the air is magical. It brings feelings of warmth, comfort, and nostalgia. For me, it reminds me of autumn—my favorite season—along with its vibrant colors, delicious flavors, and hearty foods. I've always loved anything and everything cinnamon. One rainy day, while sitting on the sofa, I decided to make some cinnamon buns. I checked my cupboard for the ingredients and simply started baking them. From that moment on, I was hooked.

I became obsessed with baking cinnamon buns, making them almost weekly, if not daily. I experimented with different recipes, toppings, and techniques, purely for the joy it brought me. After sharing my creations with family and friends for months, I finally decided to share my love for cinnamon buns with the Worthing community. I never imagined there were so many fellow cinnamon bun enthusiasts. And that’s how Dozen Buns began.

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